Telephones: 249 241 114 / 249 240 980
Product Quality*
Improved product quality is ensured by a three-step method:
Prior to production, this verifies the quality of the raw materials, thoroughly identifying all the components and operations, defining quality control and tolerance levels;
During production, undertaking the previously defined self-control, intermediate controls and final control procedures;
Following production, accompanying the performance of the first product runs and physically analysing all the guarantees in conjunction with assistance from the commercial team.
*The quality of our product is that which meets the expectations of our clients.
Venescape provides all of its products with a total 24-month guarantee.
The percentage of guarantees invoked in relation to the sales volume stands at 0.20% while the rate at which some technical justification was encountered stands at 0.14%.
It places the emphasis on questions interrelated with:
Culture and reality of the company, especially as regards product quality and productivity and eliminating wastes.
Constant updating in relation to the ongoing technological evolution in this sector.
We always seek to provide products with the same performance as the originals, with the objective of not altering the functional specifications, ensuring the maintenance of their respective terms of approval.
We responsibly dispose of the few toxic wastes we produce.
We seek to convey to our clients the importance of efficiently operating exhaust systems.
Human Resources
We provide a safe, healthy and comfortably working environment to our members of staff in conjunction with the training necessary to produce with quality and efficiency.
We encourage our employees to develop their careers and improve their standards of living in proportion to the profitability of the company.